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Kate & Alex — Minted




Kate and Alex

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

116 days until the big day!

Our Story

After proceeding to run into each other again and again on the Mayo Clinic campus, we concluded it was probably time to have a conversation and we're glad we did. It wasn't long before we realized we could both engage in almost dizzying levels of quasi-obsessional thinking about all kinds of scientific related matters and it continues to this day. Atoms, blackholes, you name it, the conversation never stops until one of us decides to tap out, often out of exhaustion or better yet, to cozy up together with our heart-of-gold Peach, and/or her nemesis, the unpredictable Storm.

This life we've chosen together is better than either of us could have imagined and it now feels like the perfect time to take our journey to the next level, and that's where you come in. Please join us to celebrate this very important milestone in our lives. We look forward to seeing you in La Quinta!